Counterparty Risk Assessment using Generative AI Approaches
Generative AI derived ASIC default alert visualised in MFA of local industry
visualisation of ASIC default alert in MFA of local industy
Methodology for use of Generative AI + RAG
Overview of basic methodology
Using Generative AI over MFA and other models for results
BTI User Interface
The work done in KPMG Origins often existed within complex supply/value chain environments, with a diverse and often obscure list of stakeholders, materials and agreements. Capturing who is involved, what they do, and how they interact with each other was often a challenge. Often manual research of verified media and government articles, market reports and ASIC Reports by the data and analytics team identified significant examples of counter-party risk within these ecosystems. The team was able to successfully replicate this manual investigation using a web-scraping, Generative AI and RAG approach and layer the signals and summarised anomaly messages into other modelling and visualisation work to create meaningful and actionable insights. We also successfully extended this to detect anomalous behaviour from contextual clues in the raw Origins data. Using the summaries and signals from other models, for instance the Material Flow Analysis of hazardous waste movements in NSW, were fed into a GPT-style model. Targeted prompt engineering led to several successful real-world and otherwise unidentified suspect movements being identified and relayed for further regulator investigation.
Working For:
  • KPMG Origins
  • Resource Recovery
  • Construction
  • Agriculture
Core Technologies
  • Generative AI + RAG
  • Material Flow Analysis
  • Python, Langchain & LlamaIndex
  • Visualise with Tableau
Building Up Skills
  • Proof of concept and prototyping in an enterprise environment.
Key Outcomes
  • Improved confidence in GPTs ability to be integrated into "non-chat" workforms and openned up to door to future research in its use in other projects.
  • New bottom line reduction on workload of existing engagements (~90% of alike projects), top line improvement with new product offering
External Links
  • None available as internal project